Presented by Intel + Toshiba, the "Inside" social film project was the first Hollywood film of its kind starring Emmy Rossum ("Shameless," "Phantom of the Opera,") and directed by D.J Caruso ("Disturbia," "I Am Number Four," "Eagle Eye") with Oscar-winning cinematographer Mauro Fiore ("Avatar," "Training Day”, Spider-Man: No Way Home).

A blockbuster-caliber production team, INSIDE allowed viewers to be more than just viewers. They had the chance to become characters in the film itself and develop a relationship with the film's protagonist. For the first time, the director could not only direct the film's lead character but also the audience.

By weaving several elements of social media into the story, easter eggs, strategy, as well as, a social casting call; inside experience was the first to embrace a streaming audience.

Directed and written by D. J. Caruso, the Inside Experience is a Web series broken up across multiple social media platforms, including Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.

Viewers were challenged to help Rossum’s character, Christina, safely make it out of her predicament. Inside fans loved the group interaction they had during the social film, piecing together clues, getting to know one another, saying how the experience allowed them to form a relationship with the characters and each other and discuss the mystery as it unfolded. An interactive TV series before its time.  

At the end of the 4 week experience over 1,000 people auditioned, 235,000 people participated on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, over 10 million watched, and more than 30 million read about it.